Sell more online with fast and secure online commerce

Give your customers an easy way to make purchases — convenient checkout can make all the difference in customer satisfaction.

As people increasingly use the web to shop, they expect the purchase process to be simple, swift, and safe. You can simplify payments, sell more online, and make your online commerce transactions more secure, all with Google.

Sell more online with the right tools

Start today with a personalized plan of Google products.

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Take the effort out of online commerce

Google Pay is a payment method that helps you streamline the purchase process for your online store. For customers, Google Pay provides an easier and more secure way to buy items online using their payment credentials already saved to their Google Account, to speed through the checkout process.

When a customer pays for their order by using Google Pay, they don't need to manually enter their credit or debit card information or shipping address. The customer can tap the Google Pay button and Google Pay will provide that information to the payment provider.


Get more from online commerce with Google Pay

Enhanced security

Google securely stores payment information and only shares what’s needed for each transaction — reducing risk and exposure to fraud.

No fees

It’s free. You and your customers won’t be charged a thing.

Increased sales

Checkout is simple and fast, decreasing your customers’ time-to-buy, fewer abandoned carts, and increasing your conversions.


Turn on Google Pay for your store

Enabling Google Pay on your Shopify store is as easy as checking a box. You can learn more here. Using another ecommerce platform? Check with your provider about integrating Google Pay.

Ready to get started?

Get a plan to simplify how you work.

Google Pay is just one product that Google offers to help small businesses run more efficiently. Discover more with a personalized plan.

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